Classroom Library

As a licensed librarian and art teacher, I often turn to picture books for inspiration, especially when working with my K-2 students. I have a deep appreciation for the stunning illustrations and the vivid, descriptive language they feature. Many of my lower-grade art lessons begin with a read-aloud session. The kids love it (because who doesn’t enjoy a good story?), my administration loves it (hello, literacy integration!), and I love it (those few quiet moments in the art room are precious).

Recently, a colleague asked me to share a list of books I frequently use in my classroom, so I compiled them into a blog post! While this isn’t an exhaustive list (my classroom library boasts over 100 picture books), it’s a fantastic starting point. Below, you’ll find book recommendations separated by category. Happy reading!

Elements of Art

Principles of Design

Books about Supplies

Art Museums